Aerial view of Longwood HS

Aerial view of Longwood MS

New synthetic turf field and running track @ Longwood HS

Longwood High School Campus - Aerial view

New synthetic turf field and running track @ Longwood HS
Longwood School District
Location: Middle Island, Long Island, NY Typology: Public School Campus
Size: 100+ Acres Scope: Site design; sports design; parking design
Client: Wiedersum Associates Architects Status: Construction: Continuous 2000-2016
As a consultant to Wiedersum Associates Architects, RDA developed plans to renovate the primary stadium track and field facilities at Longwood High School. Work included the replacement of a 400-meter resilient-surfaced running track and field events and a new full-sized football/soccer/lacrosse synthetic turf field. Additional site improvements incluidng fields and parking were developed at all other school sites in the District.